Copyright © 2004-2024 MagikNET EURL. All rights reserved.
All other logos and trademarks remain the property of their respective owners.
7,717,456 persons served
27 users online collects information about visitors in the form of web-based third-party statistics, server logs and PHP tracker scripts, all dedicated to analyze visitor trends, site popularity statistics and movements/paths on the website. This data does not contain any personally identifiable information about visitors such as names, ages etc… Additionally, collects email addresses and usernames which are needed when the user creates its user account. The other information we collect is mandatory, as the user is offered the choice to complete the contact info form in its account to give us more personal details such as its first name, last name, country… The complete information we collect serves only one purpose, to give you a superior customer service and a more personalized experience.
Server Logs store server hits and contain data such as IPs, web referrals, user agent, date and time. This data is used for statistical purposes. None of these variables makes us able to directly track an identifiable person with his / her name.
This website also uses a PHP script which is an advanced tracker that records the same information than Server Logs but it provides further details and an easier comprehension of the visitor paths, movements and actions on the website. It does not contain personal information about our users.
Like many websites, the website uses cookie technology. Cookies only serve one purpose, to maintain a connection between you and our website, as IP tracking is not a solid solution to identify users, and to give you the ability to personalize the website. The cookies never contain any personal information. Our website uses 5 cookies, 3 of them store the browsing preferences you set up throughout your navigation session, and one connects our website to your computer when you login to your account, to be able to maintain the connection open after you have logged. When logging out, this cookie is deleted from your computer. The last cookie is used by the onboard tracker script (see previous section), which only helps to maintain the connection during your whole navigation session.
We guarantee that we will never sell, rent or give our collection of email addresses or our personal information data to any person or company. This statement may be compromised only in a particular case, that is if we choose to sell the whole Website, its domain, its brand and its data to an other person or company, in that case this privacy policy will have to be modified by the buyer. may amend this policy from time to time. It is your responsibility to check and see if any changes have been made since the last time you used our site. However, if a very important change occurs, we may post a prominent announcement on our homepage.